Pomona Bankruptcy Attorney
Have you ever considered bankruptcy? Do you owe thousands of dollars in medical bills, credit card charges and department store bills? Are you behind on your auto loan or mortgage, student loan or child support? Did you know that bankruptcy can relieve you of much of that debt and let you catch up on other obligations?
Call a Pomona bankruptcy attorney at (888) 754-9877 about how bankruptcy might be the solution to your pressing financial problems. A Pomona bankruptcy attorney handles the 3 most common types of bankruptcy for you or your business. With a Pomona bankruptcy attorney handling your case, you can be certain your case will be handled with the utmost attention and care.
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Consumers who wish to file under Chapter 7 must meet certain income criteria that a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Lawyer will review. Your Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Lawyer will also see if your situation is amenable to a Chapter 7 or recommend other options. Pomona consumers who qualify can erase unsecured debt like credit cards, repossession deficiencies, past due rent and utility bills and others.
Once you satisfy other obligations that your Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Lawyer will advise you on, the details of your financial affairs will be put in a petition prepared by the Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Lawyer. You and your Pomona bankruptcy attorney will meet with a trustee to review your petition for any issues. Your only other obligation is to complete a financial management class arranged by your Pomona bankruptcy attorney before a discharge of your unsecured debt is granted.
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
There are Pomona residents whose income makes them ineligible to file Chapter 7 or who have too many non-exempt assets they would lose. If facing foreclosure or an auto repossession, a Chapter 13 can halt these proceedings once your Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Attorney files your petition.
A Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Attorney will also file a repayment plan that includes your creditors who will be paid back over 3 or 5 years. Arrearages for your mortgage and other secured loan payments can be included in the plan. Your Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Attorney will also advise you on keeping your payments current during the life of the plan.
Secured and priority creditors like mortgage holders and employees if a sole proprietor is filing are paid first. Unsecured creditors are only paid what they would have received if the debtor had filed Chapter 7. See a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Attorney for more information.
Chapter 11 Bankruptcy
Your Pomona corporation, LLC or partnership can seek Chapter 11 protection. A Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Lawyer prepares a disclosure statement containing information on the company so that creditors can make informed decisions on whether to confirm the reorganization plan. A Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Lawyer also prepares the plan with a focus on convincing creditors who will be impaired under the plan that it is feasible and beneficial.
If creditors vote to confirm the plan, the business will pursue its usual course of affairs except that any major business decisions must meet the court’s approval. A Pomona bankruptcy lawyer will file progress reports on the company’s progress. Any creditor issues are handled by the Pomona bankruptcy lawyer as well.
If you are a small Pomona business, it can avoid some of the formalities of a Chapter 11 and move more quickly through the proceedings. If a Pomona bankruptcy lawyer so advises, an individual can file Chapter 11 also.
Call a Pomona bankruptcy lawyer if you are considering bankruptcy and how it could help you get back on track and off to a fresh start.